Why does my bathroom fan run all the time?
Published: May 27, 2018, written for Renaissance II - 330 Ridout St N
The bathroom fan is part of the ventilation system that regulates "relative humidity" in your condo. It will run until the acceptable humidity level is reached.
You can adjust the humidity level by adjusting your Humidistat.
This is how you can adjust your Humidistat
Increasing it will turn the fan off. For example with your bathroom fan switch in the off position and your humidistat dial set to 40% if you increase it to 60% the fan will turn off. You will hear a clicking noise when it turns off.
Lowering it will turn the fan on. For example with your bathroom fan switch in the off and your humidistat dial set to 60% if you lower it to 40% the fan will turn on. You will hear a clicking noise when it turns on
Its recommended to keep the humidity between 30% - 50%, depending on the time of year
I keep mine humidistat set at 40% and run my air handling unit on low 24/7 this helps control the humidity and the dust in my condo